Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well, I've done it.  I lost everything.  Well, not really.  Read on.. :)

Back in 1989 when I decided it was cool to rent a room from someone in their lovely condo, it turned out to be a disaster.  Oh! It was all good, but one day they came to me and said, "We're starting a family, we want you to leave within a week!".  It was devastating!

The Bad:  I lost all of my cherished valuables in the process.  Since I had no time to get out, they told me to go ahead and leave my goodies there until I could retrieve them. They proceeded to toss them within that time-frame.  I lost my Junior High and High School Annuals and Trophies, along with my High School Diploma.  

The Good:  Well, I'll never lose those things again!

I've been using for a while now, and have come across some old friends that have so many pictures and items that help me remember those good times.  I'll share one of them!

Two incredible people I knew back at La Serna.  The above was taken in 1987 just a few days before my graduation.  OH! There's my lost Annual :(

What is this all about? Not sure what that pose is but it sure threw me off when I saw it!